
“A Reply to Love” is Back & Has a New Address!

We admit it has been a long time since we have posted a blog.  It was September 28, 2017 to be exact, when Sr. Miriam shared with us about the lessons she had learned on the vows from her 2 year old nephew.

That is because our time and energy has been focused on building a new website.  Sr. Therese Marie and others have been designing and building pages for our new website, and it has now been brought to birth.  It was officially launched on September 15th, the feast day of Our Lady of Sorrows! 

We will now be posting our blogs directly onto our NEW Website!!!  www.franciscansisterstor.org/news/blog

“A Reply to Love” might have a different location and look but we still write with the same inspiration.  Here are a few quotes from our VERY FIRST blog post: 
  • In his Apostolic Letter opening the year, Pope Francis wrote: “To tell our story is to praise God and to thank him for all his gifts.” We hope to do just that as we share our story in words and images.
  • We chose the title, “A Reply to Love”, because our whole life is a reply to Love; it is who we are. We have encountered a love so profound, so intimate, and so total in Jesus Christ that we cannot help giving everything to follow this Love. 
  • Our prayer is that YOU will also encounter this LOVE that has seized us.  May you join us in making your own reply to Love.

If you would like to continue to receive our blog posts via e-mail you will need to subscribe on our new website.  Please go to www.franciscansisterstor.org/news/blog.

Then, scroll down, and below the Blog Archives, Labels, and Social Media Links you will find the words “Follow by Email”.  Click on the link below and follow the simple directions to complete your subscription.

There are a few new blogs that have already been posted on our new site, so don't forget to check those out too!

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