Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sisters going to Florida State!

Sr. Eliana and Sr. Therese Marie with some of the Brothers of Hope.
This was taken in 2008, the first year that our sisters began
doing periodic ministry at FSU.

With gratitude for the support of our Bishop Jeffrey Monforton of the Diocese of Steubenville and Bishop Gregory Parkes of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, The Franciscan Sisters Third Order Regular of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother joyfully announce that we have been given permission to be present in the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida and to minister at the Catholic Student Union at FSU, TCC, & FAMU (CSU) of Florida State University alongside the Brotherhood of Hope and the CSU Staff in order to receive training for campus ministry on secular college campuses.

 Our intention is to keep a consistent presence at the CSU for the sake of the ministry there, while rotating sisters through for training purposes. In a few years, we hope to have enough sisters trained and ready to begin a mission house at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio at the request of Bishop Monforton, and at the same time to be ready to begin a full mission house at FSU with a more stable presence there.

We are happy to announce that Sr. Della Marie Doyle and Sr. Eliana Day will be the first sisters assigned there beginning in the fall semester of 2015. We ask for your prayers for our communities as we begin this new adventure!

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