Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Cave's Prayer

And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? Luke 1:43
I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham. Matthew 3:9

You come to me, all worn and tired from the road
And see in me a place where you may take some rest.
I wish I had a voice to tell you, “Turn away!”
This is no place for you to come who are so blest.

I’m formed of jagged stones.
My surfaces are cold,
Unwelcoming and hard –
I’ve been so long alone.

But you advance, your lamp shines on my shameful self
And mercilessly turns away the dark outside.
The light you hold, the light you bear – I know not which
Peels off the shadows under which I’ve liked to hide.

A disappointed glance
Is what I hoped to see
But peace is in your eyes
And joy make lamp-light dance.

I wonder now what you see here to make you smile.
Has something come and washed away all my disgrace?
But all is just as e’er it was within my frame –
Save now it’s lit by Mary’s gentle, radiant face.

Oh, virgin, mother, queen,
Please stay within my walls!
Oppressive was the dark
Before your light was seen.

I’m still a humble cave.
I’m not a cozy home.
But with you there is one
Who came for me to save.

I trust you both to make me bright,
To make me clean and new!
And may I radiate your love
And draw all hearts to you.


-Sr.Agnes Therese Davis,TOR

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