Because there is a wildness about the Holy Spirit. Fr. Dave Pivonka, one of our T.O.R. brothers, in a new video series called The Wild Goose, tells how the ancient Celts used to call the Holy Spirit the Wild Goose, precisely because of this wildness.
The Spirit blows where he wills! (John 3:8)
I can attest to this in my own life. I grew up living the life of a faithful Catholic. I went to Mass on Sundays, served my parish in different ways, and was even beginning a prayer life towards the end of my College career. But I was just going along with life, until I went to a Steubenville Youth Conference as a chaperon.
At the retreat they talked a lot about knowing God's personal love, having a relationship with Him and living a life in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. I was hesitant because I hadn't heard any of this before. But at the same time I saw in the speakers and most of the teens around me something that I didn't have and I wanted it! They had a zeal for life, and love; they had the Holy Spirit!
The Saturday night of the retreat I told the Lord that I was going to give him one chance to show me this Holy Spirit and if nothing happened that was it, I was done, and I would stay content with the way I was living my life.
I opened the door of my heart a tiny crack and he absolutely flung it open!!! I experienced His love pouring into me. I didn't just know in my head but knew in my heart that I was personally loved by God.
It was so overwhelming. I was filled with His peace and joy! His presence was so deeply personal and so intimate.
I can honestly say that from that day, from that moment, my life has never been the same.
He has taken me on a great adventure that I never could have imagined. It has been a journey into greater freedom as I have come to know my identity as a beloved daughter of God the Father, and with many unexpected turns it has even led me to the convent!!!
Have you experienced the Holy Spirit? Do you desire more of the Holy Spirit?
There isn't a better time to ask for this Experience and for more of the Holy Spirit than in these next 50 days between Easter and Pentecost (May 15th).
Join us in preparing for Pentecost by taking part in a Video Novena. Over the next 50 days we will post 9 (of the 14) Wild Goose videos on our Facebook Page, that's about one every 5 or 6 days. Each one focuses on a different aspect of the Holy Spirit and how to live a life led by Him. Each one is only about 25 minutes but they are packed with powerful teachings and testimonies. And they even have subtitles in Spanish!
In between each video spend time reflecting on Fr. Dave's challenges and invitations (resist the temptation to binge watch!) and begin to experience the wildness of the Holy Spirit for yourself!
Check out the trailer for the videos below:
As part of the novena, join us each day in praying the prayer below:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
-Sr. Sophia Grace Huschka, T.O.R.