When someone learns that our daughter is a Sister, he or she typically responds in one of two ways. Most people, especially other moms, relate to the difficulty of being separated from their daughter. They say something like, “Wow! That must be so hard. I don’t know if I could do that!” The second response, which I hear less often, goes something like this, “Wow! That must be such a blessing for your family!”
To be honest, it is both of those: incredibly painful and difficult at times, but always, even in that loss, an indescribable blessing. And as such, I have often pondered how my life as the mother of a Sister might draw me closer to the heart of Mother Mary, and how my life might even reflect hers in some ways, if by the grace of God, I can do this well.
I begin by thinking about the Annunciation (Luke 1: 26-38). Our Lady’s life was completely changed with her fiat when her life as the Mother of her Savior and ours began. She was already holy, full of grace. That was not quite true of me, but I was hungering for God in my own way. Newly married and fairly new to the Church, my life truly began with the conception and birth of our first child, Sarah. I began to fall in love with God as I beheld our tiny child. As she loved me unconditionally, I felt God’s love as never before. As I loved and nurtured her, God healed me of many wounds, and I grew in awe of Him. With her birth came the true birth of my faith. Wanting to be the best mom I could be, I wanted her to know, love and serve the Lord. Thus, I grew in the knowledge of my faith as I began to teach her. God continued to bless us with six more beautiful children, and the journey continued.
Now to focus on the Finding of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2: 41-52): I relate to this story as well. When Jesus was twelve years old, his parents had lost him on the way back from Jerusalem. They found him after three days. He was in the temple teaching, and everyone was amazed by his words. But he went back to Nazareth, and was obedient to his parents. Perhaps Jesus was already very capable of beginning his work. But it wasn’t time. How difficult it must have been for him to wait to begin his public ministry. And from this time, Mary held all this in her heart.
At the Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2: 1 -11), we see our Blessed Mother’s influence on the beginning of Christ’s public ministry. From my own perspective as a mother, I see this as a mother’s little nudge. To me, it is as if she was saying to him, “It’s time. I believe in you. You can do this.” Jesus knows all and didn’t really need that nudge, but perhaps Mother Mary needed to give it. Perhaps it was a gift from God to Mary to help prepare her heart for what was to come. She had to begin to let go of that life they had been living together, the quiet life of the Holy Family. It was the beginning of a different way of life for both of them. So it was for us. Mary told them to do whatever Jesus asks of them. She tells us the same thing. Do whatever Jesus asks. The application process, the appointments, the packing, everything that had to be done in preparation for entering candidacy: we were preparing our hearts for everything to change. We were preparing for our daughter to do whatever God was asking of her.
I praise and thank the Almighty God for he has done good things to me.
-Shirley Kilonsky (mother of Sr. Agnes Maria)