Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Reply to Love

Why would you want to read about the lives of women religious in a small town in Ohio? Aren’t veils and sandals, rosaries and kneelers things of the past?

No, Pope Francis tells us. We must “wake up the world!” 

Starting a blog in order to share our life with you has been a cherished hope of ours for a while, but it was spurred on recently due to the Year of Consecrated Life called for by our Holy Father.  In his Apostolic Letter opening the year, he wrote: “To tell our story is to praise God and to thank him for all his gifts.” We hope to do just that as we share our story in words and images.

We hope to post regularly about our daily life, ministries and experiences in community. We will also share the fruits of our prayer through reflections that you can also bring to the Lord in prayer. Sisters in various stages of formation will contribute, so you can get a taste of our life from the perspective of postulants, novices and professed sisters.

Our call as religious is to show the world that JESUS is the goal “towards which all things tend, the splendour before which every other light pales, and the infinite beauty which alone can fully satisfy the human heart” (Vita Consecrata, 16).

We chose the title, “A Reply to Love,” because our whole life is a reply to Love; it is who we are. We have encountered a love so profound, so intimate, and so total in Jesus Christ that we cannot help giving everything to follow this Love.  St. John Paul II wrote that “those who let themselves be seized by this love cannot help abandoning everything to follow him” (VC 18).

Our prayer is that YOU will also encounter this LOVE that has seized us.

May you join us in making your own reply to Love.